Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra: Actually Ultra or Just Meh?



Judging from the title above, you probably can already tell what we’re going to be talking about. Yes. It’s a review handphone of Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra. Samsung’s latest and fastest flagship that’s been taking the handphone tech review industry by storm.

You can see headlines of it everywhere you go, and this article is no exception. But, why is it that it’s this popular? Well let’s find out, shall we?

The Review

Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra is an absolute powerhouse, powered by Snapdragon 888, 12GBs of RAM, and 5000 mAh battery, it’s a phone that can shatters expectations that you put it on it. Whether for gaming, media consumption, or productivity, Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra can take all of those tasks you throw at it and still perform incredibly well.

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And this, of course comes at a price, literally. Even for flagship standards, S21 Ultra is still very, very expensive for a phone. But, if you appreciate a good camera on a phone, especially for zooming up to a 100X and 4K recording, then that price tag might be worth it for you when coupled with its absolute monstrosity of a spec.

That being said, do keep in mind though even with 500 mAh battery, S21 Ultra drains battery very quickly to power its the-best-in-market screen. It’s powering up a 120hz, 6.8” AMOLED display that gets very bright and saturated.

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That being said, do keep in mind though even with 500 mAh battery, S21 Ultra drains battery very quickly to power its the-best-in-market screen. It’s powering up a 120hz, 6.8” AMOLED display that gets very bright and saturated.


So, is it the right phone for you? Well, yes and no. If you can afford it and you want those Galaxy features that only exist in Samsung’s Galaxy lineup, then the S21 Ultra is a no-brainer because of its specs, build quality, and camera prowess.

But, if you don’t need those things above, especially the 100X Zoom or other quad-camera gimmicks, you can probably find better phones in another of our review handphone down below.

 That’s all from us from now, thanks for reading this review handphone of S21 Ultra, and we’ll see you in another time with another review from us. See you!
